Young Iranian who knew 2 on #MH370 with stolen passports said they bought them in Iran and paid $10,000 for them b4 coming to Malaysia.
— Jonathan Head (@pakhead) March 11, 2014
- Alt som har blitt gjort lider av mangel på kontroll.
[#MASalert] Clarification on alleged 5 pax who checked-in but did not board MH370 on 8 March 2014 -
— Malaysia Airlines (@MAS) March 11, 2014
[#MASalert] Media statement regarding allegations being made against the First Officer of MH370 -
— Malaysia Airlines (@MAS) March 11, 2014
- Alt som har blitt gjort lider av mangel på kontroll.
Have we missed anything? Wat else? Where else? I have asked 2 further intensify search round d clock!
— Hishammuddin Hussein (@HishammuddinH2O) March 11, 2014
Vietnamese search and rescue official looking for missing #MH370. Said no signs of debris today, but still hopeful.
— Alice Budisatrijo (@alicebudi) March 11, 2014
- Usannsynlig at han var knyttet til terror.
Q&A: What happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370? via @YahooNews
— Agence France-Presse (@AFP) March 10, 2014
En god oppskriving av hva vi vet - og hva vi ikke vet - om MH370-mysteriet, skrevet av flyeksperten David Cenciotti.
Spiller ned terrormistanken - avslører flere detaljer om mystiske menn med falske pass.
@a_merat colleagues spoke to friends of the family of one. “They were looking for a place to settle” they said.
— Bahman Kalbasi (@BahmanKalbasi) March 10, 2014
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#BBCPersian: 2 holding fake EU passport on Malaysia flight #MH370 were #Iran nationals. Final destination: Amsterdam. Asylum seekers?
— Bahman Kalbasi (@BahmanKalbasi) March 10, 2014
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